Breathe & Push

How we came together in love and courage this year

Dear Family, I want to thank you for all that we accomplished together this year. In this…

Announcing the Revolutionary Love Training Course!

Dear Friends, I am thrilled to announce our first-ever audio course, a special…

A Historic Night

Balbir Sodhi’s widow, Joginder Kaur, stands to the right of the portrait of her…

How to show up for Afghanistan with love

The word in this artwork reads “Afghanistan” in Urdu. Artwork by…

Summer Toolkit: Love for Ourselves

Dear Friends, Welcome to the final installment in our summer series! This summer…

Watch The People's Inauguration Kick-Off!

Watch the People’s Inauguration kick-off! The People’s Inauguration has officially…

Invitation to the People's Inauguration

Dear Friends, I know that you are hurting. Maybe you are feeling constriction in your…

Grieving and Awakening

“You may say: It’s too much — all this grief, all this violence and injustice, it’s too…