Year: 2012

Journey from Oak Creek to Newtown

Published on Washington Post. When my plane landed in Connecticut early Friday afternoon, I was…

On MSNBC: Inside America's Prisons

Had the chance to discuss the efficacy of America's prison system and our latest documentary film…

Launching Groundswell 2.0!

On Tuesday night, the President said, “The role of citizens in our democracy does not end with your…

Millennials at the Polls in 2012

Millennials showed up at the polls this week! We weren't out in the same numbers as 2008, but we…

My Grandfather & Voter Suppression

Take 866-OUR-VOTE to the polls with you today to report any threats to election protection! Go…

Stamping Money Out of Politics

Read Groundswell's fact sheet on why stamping money out of politics is a more imperative.

Election Day Prayer

This morning, watching dawn break over New Haven, I see the faces of the young people I've met…

Sikh Americans and the Obama Administration

Letter from dear friend and mentor Amardeep Bhalla to fellow Sikh Americans on Election Day: Dear…

The Sunday Before the Election

Published on Religion and Politics. Nestled in the suburbs of Hamden, Connecticut, a little brick…

Award-Winning Filmmaker Explains Storytelling as Advocacy

On Friday, I spent the day with Millennials at the University of Pennsylvania. One of them did a…