gun violence

Combat Hate with Love: Join Me this Election Season!

The way that America commemorates the 15 year anniversary of 9/11 will shape our nation's future.…

On the Four Year Anniversary, Will America #RememberOakCreek?

I'm in Oak Creek today to commemorate the four-year anniversary of a mass shooting on Sikh…

A Call to Action to End Racism and Violence

A call to action: If you grieve the police officers killed in Dallas and the black people shot by…

One Year After #Ferguson: Let Us Go From #PropheticGrief to #RevolutionaryLove

Dear Friends: One year ago, when Mike Brown was killed in the midst of tears and grief, we prayed…

Honoring the Charleston nine: Today, we mourn. Tomorrow, we organize.

This article was originally published in The Washington Post. Gunshots in a sanctuary of peace.…

The Doors of the Church Are Open

Click here to add your prayer or message of solidarity for the families of Charleston in the wake…

3000+ Prayers Pour Into Chapel Hill After Slaying of Muslim American Students

The families of three Muslim college students killed last week in Chapel Hill, North Carolina…

Sikh Doctor’s Response to Brutal Hate Attack? ‘Love and Service’

Published on Melissa Harris-Perry Blog, MSNBC. Last Saturday night, a young man dropped his wife…

A Year Later, Sikhs Keep Up Fight against Gun Violence

Published on CNN. The other night was one of the most sacred and extraordinary events of my life as…

One Year Since Deadly Sikh Temple Attack in Wisconsin

By Sean Lewis Published on WGN Chicago. In the rain, the community of Oak Creek Wisconsin came…