
'First We Pray, Then We Organize' The Unlikely Coalition for Net Neutrality

This article originally appeared on The Huffington Post. On Tuesday, July 28th, a diverse group of…

Honoring the Charleston nine: Today, we mourn. Tomorrow, we organize.

This article was originally published in The Washington Post. Gunshots in a sanctuary of peace.…

The Doors of the Church Are Open

Click here to add your prayer or message of solidarity for the families of Charleston in the wake…

The Open Internet Order Becomes Law: Why Faith Leaders are Celebrating

This article originally appeared on the Huffington Post. Today, after more than a year of national…

Save the Internet: 12 Faith Voices You Should Hear

This piece original appeared in On Faith. Today, the Open Internet Order becomes effective. Adopted…

Why 12 Top Religious Leaders Are Proud To Support Net Neutrality

As the Open Internet Order goes into effect today, I wanted to make sure that you saw what faith…

5 Reasons the Future of Faith Depends on the Open Internet

This article was originally published in Sojourners. Today, the Open Internet Order goes into…

Class of 2015: Flare Up, Let Your Life Sing

This piece was originally published on the Huffington Post. On May 9, 2015, I delivered the 100th…

Baltimore Is Burning: 8 Faith Voices You Should Hear

By Faith Source Originally published on “What is the call for people of faith when…

An open Internet, for God’s sake!

By Valarie Kaur and Cheryl Leanza This week, a handful of Republicans will hold hearings on the…