Oak Creek

Sikhs One Year Later

Watch this outstanding PBS news report about the Sikh community's response to the mass shooting in…



Breaking news! On Wednesday afternoon, an FBI advisory policy board voted to track hate crimes…

Will Piara Singh be Counted?

Eighty-two year-old Piara Singh turned to walk home from his gurdwara (Sikh house of worship) in…

Remembering the Oak Creek Tragedy in Film

By Valarie Kaur and Sharat Raju Published on Huffington Post. Six months ago today, a small…

Journey from Oak Creek to Newtown

Published on Washington Post. When my plane landed in Connecticut early Friday afternoon, I was…

Award-Winning Filmmaker Explains Storytelling as Advocacy

On Friday, I spent the day with Millennials at the University of Pennsylvania. One of them did a…

After Sikh Temple Shooting, a Historic Hearing

Published on The Melissa Harris-Perry Blog. Just 45 days after his mother was murdered by a white…

Senate Hearing Holds Key to Understanding Homegrown Hate

Published on The Washington Post. In the chaos of bullets, riots, and the murder of an ambassador…

Sikh Temple Shooting, One Month Later

Published on The Washington Post. In the thick of election season, the mass shooting of Sikh…

First Lady Sets an Example after Wisconsin Shooting

Published on CNN. I have spent the past two weeks documenting the aftermath of what could be one…